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Monday 3 September 2012

G-dragon Finally Reveals He is Alien

G-dragon's latest style
           G-dragon said on the Big Bang preconcert conference that he is a half human – Fashionisian, which caused big shock to fan girls.

           On 4th September after arrived in Thailand for 4 hours, G-dragon and the other members of Big Bang -- one of the famous Korean artist groups -- holds the Big Bang preconcert conference, the day before the start of Alive Tour concert in Thailand. In this conference G-dragon confessed he is a half human – fashionisian, as all the media have suspect for long time.

           ‘I was born on this planet; anyway, I still prefer to dress in the Fashionisian’s style. We all just want to show our motive on the existence of our race’, he said.

           G-dragon also stated that Lady Gaga, too, is a half human – Fashionisian. Her dress code resemble of how the Fashionisian wear in the formal ceremony.

           Fashionisian is a fashion-lover life being from FS-188 in galaxy Andromeda. They have a unique style on dressing colorful and outstanding cloth. In 1960, FS-188 had a World War III on contrasting fashion style. This caused a lot of FS-188 people to have to seek asylum on the Earth. Many of Fashionisian are famous people in fashion and entertainment media, such as Vivianne Westwood and G-dragon.

           For the fans that were in the Big Bang preconcert conference, they remains believe in G-dragon.

           ‘I love how he is, no matter what. The fact that he is not human made me shocked, but I can accept this truth and I will continue to follow his works’, one of the fans said.

*made up for Journalist’s homework, please don’t kill me*

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