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Tuesday 11 September 2012

Plastic Coin as Money

Example of colored plastic coins which will be used in September 17

           The government announced about started using plastic coin standard as currency money instead of banknote in the national meeting held on September 10, which will officially use next week.

           National meeting disputed on the topic about the standard money for 10 months before starting this change. In the September 10, 2012, the prime minister finally announced about the change to be the same as the other 63 countries which now changed to use plastic coin standard as currency money. 

           Thailand prime minister said, “To avoid banknote production problem we have to change the currency to plastic coin. Anyway, any kind of banknote the citizen has still can be used as an exchange currency. The plastic coin standard will later fully use in next 3 months.”

           A large number of trees is used in order to print banknote, and the producing system cause pollution which directly effects environment. While number of forests is dramatically reduced from industries and living area expansion into the forest area, the World Environment Defending (WED) filed a petition for prohibition on cutting trees which now use as an international law.

           Plastic coin producing causes far less pollution comparing to banknote producing. The national bank officer who takes duty on the production stated that plastic coin is now ready to be used and will be send to exchange market by tomorrow morning.

           "The plastic coin weight is light. For avoid making the copy of false money, in production steps the plastic for making coin will be mix with special material that will show a code in violet ray, nearly is the same method which was used in banknote," the officer said.

** The World Environment Defending (WED) is not exist in reality**

Monday 10 September 2012

The last tree on earth

The last tree on earth

picture from

WWF has succeeded to save the last tree on earth in New Zealand on September 11, 2012 from group of men who tried to cut down the tree.

On September 11, 2012 WWF or World Wide Fund of Nature have succeed for saving the last tree in New Zealand after they have been trying so hard to protect the trees around the world. The last tree is located at the national park in New Zealand while others tree were cut down.

The WWF president Yolanda Kakabadse said "After we failed to protect the national parks in Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, South America, North and Central America, we have sworn to protect the last tree on earth. It would not succeed if the green heart people in New Zealand did not call us to inform the important information of the forest encroachment of the savage mind people. "

The police arrested the malefactors while they were sleeping under the tree.The police officer said "we found they lying under this tree after finished cutting others. We assumed that they were so exhausted so they had to take a rest, that was the reason why they didn't cut the last tree; not because they have the personal accountability."

Group of the malefactors said "We are paid for cutting down the trees to build a house for a politician. He want to finish the dog house to be the gift for his daughter's birthday. We did not want to do this, but we had to because we are poor and we don't have mush choice." By the way, the police said that the malefactors had been firstly sentenced to be imprisoned for the rest of their lives, but they confessed so they are imprisoned only for ten years and do the good deed for earth for the rest of their lives. The police also said "We will arrest the politician, who ordered the malefactors to cut down the tree, to be imprisoned soon, I promise."

People all the world are relieved now because the tree is saved. The WWF lastly announced "We will take a good care of this tree and try to reforest the world. In 2020, we believe that the world will be full of plants again."

Ps. This story is made up for purpose of our journalism project, name of country and people are real. Yolanda Kakabadse is still a president of WWF. The picture is named 'Tree', it's an ad in 'Asia Pacific ADFEST Poster Lotus Winners' by Ogilvy & Mather from Thailand, they won the Gold Single Poster Lotus for Best of Social Engagements.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Coldest Mall in Bangkok!

Exterior Design

Interior Design

This year, there is a special shopping mall where is the coldest luxurious mall opened on Sukhumvit of Bangkok on November 20.

A Swedish mall—Eskimo has about 100 stores in 23 tropical countries of the world. It sees Bangkok is one of the tropical countries where should launch a cold mall. Thailand is the first country of Southeast Asia after that it has plans to launch another chain to Singapore.

Eskimo is located on Sukhumvit 15 where is a business road of Bangkok. Eskimo is the cold mall where makes shopping people, who like coldness, will enjoy their shopping in the coldest mall. Inside the mall, it sets temperature at 10 degree Celsius or under everyday. People will touch the coldness even in Bangkok while shopping, dining or doing other activities in the mall. The mall has 4,300 square feet and contains with many fashion brands; Prada, Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton, Chloe, Celine, Kenzo, Giorgio Armani, Hermes, Salvatore Ferragamo, Burberry, Comme des Garcons, Christian Dior etc., besides the fashion brands, the mall also has a lot of famous cosmetics, which you can find from over the world, in reasonable prices because the mall imports all of the products directly, so clients will get the cheapest products with the same qualities.

Eskimo said its concept is provide retails products of High fashion clothes, accessories and cosmetics to clients who are able to afford because the mall is builded with modern style and uses a lots of money, so it does not want to be the top mall in Bangkok. The style of the mall is similar to Gaysorn and The Emporium, Therefore its target must be similar to both department stores. The reason that Eskimo chains to Bangkok is it sees the large amount of Thai people go to holiday and travel in many western counties and Thai people like to stay in the cold places plus love to shop anytime.

Eskimo will carry over 5 million baht of all the outlets in the mall, so it wants to be a very luxurious mall in Bangkok. Furthermore, Eskimo is not a simple mall like others in this world.

Next year, Eskimo plans to open another new branch on Orchard Road in Singapore and hopes to reach out to wider groups of customers both of Thailand and Singapore.

Saturday 8 September 2012

“Thai Team is Ready for World Cup”!!

“Thai Team is Ready for World Cup”!!
By Thiranun Plobyon, Always Newz contributor

Sven Goran Erikkson a former football manager of England who is now become Thai National Football Team’s manager said “Thai Team Is Ready for Brazil 2014 World Cup”
8th, September, from Always Newz post’s press conference at Supatchalasai national stadium, Eriksson, 64 who lived behind the success of various national football team for more than 3 decades, stated that “I’m glad being here as a new manager of Thai national football team.
Many years ago Manchester City had a match with Thai team and I’ve seen that Thai team has a good teamwork and also have good skill players. I’m really excited to become a part of Thai team and hope that my experiences in soccer coaching will be useful for Thai team, especially the aims at the final draw of Brazil 2014 world cup.”

Meanwhile, Worawee Magudee, president of Football Association of Thailand reveals that “Erikkson is the right man for Thai team right now, he is the best coach in world class who experienced in soccer coaching for many teams including with national football teams, league
football clubs. It means that he can handle the pressure and fans expectations too.”
“I believe that our players and staff coaches will get benefit from this occasion.” Added Magudee

It is said that Erikkson will reach annual wages for approximately 100 million baths from 3 years contract. Erikkson will start his job in the warm up match between Thai and Laos in 26th September which will be held at Supatchalasainational stadium. For ticket information go to 100baths for all of seats and 50 baths for students.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

New Creature Discovered

New Creature Discovered
By Thiranun Plobyon, SWU POST contributor

Marmota M. Vancouverensis, new type of tailless squirrel
September 3, 2012
(SWU POST) –Discovery news

A group of Canadian scientists recently discovered the new species of taillesssquirrel in Vancouver Island Marmot, Canada and named it Marmota M. Vancouverensis.
“We accidentally found it while we were filming snowbird documentary” said Edward a zoologist of Vancouver National Park “we took the picture and sent it to the lab 3 days later they told usthis is the new discovery of the world.”

“Normally, squirrel has tail to keep itself steady when they’re climbing the tree, but this new
specie is tailless so we assumed that it has the balance organ in its inner ear like human” added Edward. Anyway, scientists team and Vancouver National Park crew will cooperate each other to do specific research on this tailless squirrel. Research suggests tailless squirrel has been extinct for long time, this discovery is a good news for the world. Environmental change is causing the
extinction of tailless squirrel because it found the difficulty of finding food resources.

In the future, many others species will become extinct because of climate change; drought crisis, flood crisis and also danger diseases.Human should be aware of this truth and change their habits to save many creatures.

Motor punk new trend ‘foot ride’

The number of motor punks or ‘dek vance’ are decreasing while the number of accident on the road are increasing, this is because the new trend of ‘one foot riding motorcycle and two hands chatting on Blackberry’ of motor punk gang is very popular.

On 1st September, police officers caught the motor puck gang on Sukumvit road. While doing his duty, the police said that he saw the gangs of motor pucks ride motorcycle with their foot and hands chatting on the Blackberry hit the truck four died and one juried.

The motor punks claim that the vibration of Blackberry and their sound are so annoying that they have to pick it up to stop them from ringing and they sue the Blackberry Company for 20,000,000 Bath for the accident.

The Blackberry Company respond that the insurance include only car accidence that cause from Blackberry not motorcycle accidence.

The argument continued for two days then the Prime Minister Rakying launched the new law for motor punk that “they can chat on Blackberry while riding and not get caught if they have two hands on their motorcycle and other two hands on their Blackberry” Also, she paid for four motor puck s who died in the accidence each 200 Baht.

Monday 3 September 2012

G-dragon Finally Reveals He is Alien

G-dragon's latest style
           G-dragon said on the Big Bang preconcert conference that he is a half human – Fashionisian, which caused big shock to fan girls.

           On 4th September after arrived in Thailand for 4 hours, G-dragon and the other members of Big Bang -- one of the famous Korean artist groups -- holds the Big Bang preconcert conference, the day before the start of Alive Tour concert in Thailand. In this conference G-dragon confessed he is a half human – fashionisian, as all the media have suspect for long time.

           ‘I was born on this planet; anyway, I still prefer to dress in the Fashionisian’s style. We all just want to show our motive on the existence of our race’, he said.

           G-dragon also stated that Lady Gaga, too, is a half human – Fashionisian. Her dress code resemble of how the Fashionisian wear in the formal ceremony.

           Fashionisian is a fashion-lover life being from FS-188 in galaxy Andromeda. They have a unique style on dressing colorful and outstanding cloth. In 1960, FS-188 had a World War III on contrasting fashion style. This caused a lot of FS-188 people to have to seek asylum on the Earth. Many of Fashionisian are famous people in fashion and entertainment media, such as Vivianne Westwood and G-dragon.

           For the fans that were in the Big Bang preconcert conference, they remains believe in G-dragon.

           ‘I love how he is, no matter what. The fact that he is not human made me shocked, but I can accept this truth and I will continue to follow his works’, one of the fans said.

*made up for Journalist’s homework, please don’t kill me*


    The warship was been hardly raising up from under the sea after the government officially approved. 


Three divers found an old huge ship while they were diving at Koh Lanta, Krabi of the Adaman Island.

Mr. Suriyon Srisung, a local reporter of Krabi province, just announced a very big-surprised news of Thailand to people in Krabi through the local cable TV channel that there were three torists; Mr. John Smiths, Mr. Trenton Dawman and Ms. Chair Vector, from Australia came across a huge ship while they were diving at Koh Lanta, Krabi. Mr. Trenton Dawman said, “I felt I saw something such a very very big thing was covered by the sand while I had diven for an hour in the  afternoon today. I signed to friends to come to me and looked at what the big thing I found under the sand. We taught and we felt it didn’t like something normal naturally or sealife. We speeded up diving to surface for calling to the nearest dive center because we didn’t know what could we do when we found something under the Thai Sea or strange towns.”

The dive center reported that the ship, which founded, was a 1500-ton warship which sinked into the under Andaman Island since 1939. The ship would travel from Italy to Australia, unfortunately it sinked because of a thunder storm while it floated on the Andaman Island.

On Friday, local people on Koh Tao will have a commemorate ceremony on the beach to dead people who sinked with the ship by the president of Krabi province will be a leader of the ceremony.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

food corner#4 dorm cooking

Mama Chicken Green Curry flavor noodles

Hello everyone. Welcome again to food corner.
This time I am proudly to present my easy cooking in the concept “Dorm Cooking” This weekend I didn’t go back to my grandma’s home, so I thought I should find easy cooking recipes that appropriate to my dorm space to do. I looked around my room and I found that there were 2 packs of instant noodle left, so this brought the idea to do Mama Chicken Green Curry for the blog.

I went to nearby supermarket to buy ingredients with 100 bahts of budget.

Let’s see what I got.

Coconut palm tip 18 bahts
Chicken tenderloin 32.50
Mixed fresh vegetables 20
Roi Thai green curry soup 27
Total 97.50 bahts

We already have ingredients and electric pot so let’s cook!


1. Bring the coconut milk to the boil until some oil has surfaced.

2.Pour mama’s seasoning into the pot to make it spicier.

3.Add Chicken tenderloin into the pot.
4.Then add coconut palm tip into the pot.

5.Add sliced long green bean, chili, and sweet basil into the pot.

6.Add instant noodle into the pot.

Now it’s ready to serve.

I used to cook mama chicken green curry once before this and the taste came out so salty.
I did mistake because bought an infamous green curry paste which is cheaper than Roi Thai one.
I am satisfy with the taste so much. I should give this credit to Roi Thai and
next time I will buy others taste for sure. I like this style of cooking.
It’seasy and quick because I don’t have to slice or chop things.
All of ingredients are ready to cook. You can prepare your meal like me as you prefer.
Just go picking ingredients at the convenient store near your location and adapt it
with your instant noodle, I guarantee you will find the taste that you liked.
Thank you so much for following.
See you next time. BYE!!

Review: ‘Tangled’ (2010)

WARNING - Spoiler Alert

           Have you ever heard about a pathetic long-long hair maiden who was locked up in the tower? I guess most of us used to read about her story, Rapunzel. This time I will introduce you all to the parallel world, with a comedy-fairy tale style.

           ‘Tangled’ is another version of Rapunzel by Brothers Grimm. This film is a product of Walt Disney Animation Studios. As what we can expect of the fairy tale from Walt Disney’s, the female leads must have an ability to sing, talk to animal, and are a princess (or become a princess anyhow, like Tiana in ‘The Princess and the Frog’ from the same production group). This film is, too, but our heroine is a bit different. Rapunzel is not a ‘damsel in distress’, but is a strong will teenager who grown enough to try to resist parent’s order and follows her dream.

           The story tied up well. Even if this is the first 3D-animated film from Walt Disney, it is well made (and for your information, this film is the highest cost animated film that Walt Disney has ever made).

           Along the story line, I kind of don’t agree with Rapunzel's decision. She escaped from her mother to follow her will (quite the same idea from Ariel in ‘The Little Mermaid’, who abandoned her father in order to live with somebody she love). And for the end, even if Mother Gothel is not her real mother, Rapunzel should not be that harsh to someone who raised her up. The right or wrong is one thing to be concern, but morality – about to repay indebtedness to the benefactress -- is important, too.

           However, the others may think in difference points of view, such as the witch is a bad person who ought to be received that end, and she live long enough (or maybe too long) to finally face the death.

           About Eugene (as known as "Flynn Rider"), the male lead character, I think his role is not as shine as Pascal and Maximus, a royal dog-liked horse. His personality, same as Rapunzel’s, does not follow the protagonist traditional character’s style. I don’t really like his slippery personality, but he surely is suiting our heroine well.

           I also like how they make a credit part to a drawing version of the film, kind of summing up entire story. Simple yet beautiful, right?

           All in all, I would rate this film with 4 out of 5, especially for the breathtaking flying lantern scene.

Monday 27 August 2012

 6 Summer Must-Have Items inspired by Gossip Girl 

Hello everyone,

I bet you all know 'Gossip Girl', an American series which is very famous in many counties all over the world. Fashions in this series is such very significant and amazing. I guess some of you have ever dreamed of wearing clothes of Gossip Girl and walk beautifully with your families and friends. The lead characters of the series are very famous and pretty, one is Serena Van Der Woodsen and another one is Blair Waldorf. Both of them always wear nice outfits, including other actors in the series. So I think many people would like to be like them because they ROCK the world!

Today, There are several trends come around all the time. One things we have to focus on it is spotting how those trends go. Mostly trends are taken from apart of the world we live, so we should know how do we deal with it. For sure, cultures are different, weathers are different, routines are different, etc. Therefore, The most important things for us are picking the trends which are suitable for ourselves and don't forget adapting them to own styles. Okay now, modern people won't wear just simply clothes for sure, so today I will show you 6 items that you shouldn't miss in this summer. 

If you are ready, go on reading below.

1. Wedges - These will provide you comfortable steps when you are walking on the street during the warmer time. They don't pain your feet and legs but they give you hight and style. So wedges are a nice choice to dress up with a pretty dress.

2. High Waisted Skirt - This old-fashioned style is back popular again because it can show your sexiness on the casual day. It is very easy to match with other pieces of clothes plus let your hair down casually on the easy day.

3. Neon Bag - Don't look over a little item like a bag when you go out because it makes you look outstanding among lots of people, especially when you are carrying a neon bag such as lemon green, aquatic blue,very fresh yellow and orange, or bright pink, I am sure you will look more splendid then others and your friends.

4. Wayfarer - This style of shades is having thicker flames. They look classily sexy on the casual day as well. This style of shades is becoming very popular this time, not only square wayfarer, but also circle style are very hot nowadays. I know some of you are not confident to wear wayfarer because it doesn't have nose pads which made Asian's flatter nose looks better when wearing it.

5. Mini Skirt - When it becomes hotter in summer, girls should show their skin a little bit. For flawless-skin girls, it's the best time to show your beautiful legs. These girls are lucky because they choose skirt to wear easily, it means they can wear every style.

6. Attracted dress - whatever body you have, you all can enjoy fashion unlimitedly in summer but one thing you have to worry is choosing the thing that shines yourself. 


Enjoy your summer! 

D.I.Y.# 3 Ladder shelves

Hi everyone!
Welcome to my D.I.Y. blog.

While I was searching for ideas to write my blog, I found this picture of ladder shelves. I don't know whether  you guys seen this before, but I thing it's really awesome!!

Make a bookshelf from ladders? Can't imagine right?
I think these ladder shelves are easy to do. First, you must have 2 ladders of course. Second, the splat depend on how many layers you want to have. Third, books to put on, vase, or etc. Make sure that your shelves strong to prevent it from sliding and your bookshelf goes mess. 

In my opinion, the materials are simply and they are easy to find. You can find it at any construction store. There are many sizes of ladder you can choose. If you don't like its aluminum outlook, you can paint. You'd better keep the two sides of the ladder shelves in balance, so they won't collapse. Personally, I like this D.I.Y because it look modern, simple, and new. The aluminum ladders make the whole shelves look hard and inflexible, so it should be in the modern room that decorated in the black and white tones. So, don't put it in the baby room ok? Because your babies will get hurt while trying to climb the ladders.To me, it looks difficult to pick a book from it, so be careful. Also, I don't think it belongs to the bedroom too. It looks hard and at some point it make uncomfortable, so I recommended you not to put it in the bedroom if you don't like a hard furniture. Except putting the books you can also use it as a general shelves. You can put it outside your house to be your bonsai, orchids or other plants. Maybe you can put them in your work room to keep you electronic tools in order.

On another way, you may thing that it would be easier to buy a bookshelf than these ladder shelves. Yes, I think it easier and it cost is absolutely lower. But if you like it style, do it and tell me if it's work. 

Last, I like this D.I.Y. ladder shelves because it's strange compare with ordinary bookshelf, but I think it costs more money than the ordinary one. Also, I think this furniture doesn't fit every room, but you can adapt it to make it looks softer and neater. 


Monday 20 August 2012

Review: "Kang Fu Panda 2" (2011)

WARNING - Spoiler Alert

           Hi, there! Welcome back to the animated film review. 

           This time I would love to review about the film with Chinese martial art style, the warrior of the dragon, and his great duty to protect the entire country from the evil leader…..all in ‘Kang Fu Panda 2’.

           ‘Kang Fu Panda 2’ (2011), the continued episode in the series of ‘Kang Fu Panda’ which first released in 2008, is the success animated production from DreamWorks. Comedy genre film, suit for all of us after the midterm exam, right?

           I like the way they build the intro story of the antagonist, lord Shen of Gongmen city, in the beginning of the film. The production team used technique that makes the picture seems like a shadow play, and we can also see the shadow play (which literally played by some minor characters) in many scenes. Remind me of Thailand’s southern shadow play.

           The antagonist is a bad guy with deeply pathetic problem toward his family, feels that his parents didn't love him. I think his parent made a good choice to chase him out of the city. The one who made lord Shen to have this bad circumstance is his ambition, not the fault of the others.

           And as expected, for the protagonist and his gang, they still are the same as the first episode. Po improves a lot in his Kang Fu skill, comparing to the past. On the other hand, I still wonder why people in the village cannot fight to protect themselves, when in the end of the Kang Fu Panda (2008) they had learned Kang Fu from Po!

           Fighting scene is fantastically interesting. I like how the sound effects played smoothly and harmoniously with the actions on the film. The animation is perfectly done, and the camera shots are well placed. I can see details in the scene and feel the excitement with the character’s actions.

           The film reveals Po’s background. As we audiences always notice, Mr. Ping, Po’s father is not our protagonist blood-related father. I, at first, did not think that Po will be a special person because of the fact that he is a panda. Even if in the first episode there is no another panda in the village, the state of being the panda is not important (or anybody told us that the panda is became extinct).

           I like Po in the present more than when he was a little boy. Even if the younger Po is so cute, I think his appearance is a little bit weird. And, yes, Po in the first episode is chubbier than in the second episode. Some of my friends stated that the little Po is cuter than the grown-up Po, at least about his voice. However, none of all of these changes of time can effect on Po’s behavior and personality.

           All in all, I would like to rate this film with 4.5 out of 5. I recommended for a family to watch together in weekend, and this film is for all ages.

Sunday 19 August 2012


It's coming the rainy season. All of modern women should pay more attention to fashion, especially when rain is coming. Today, I got many ideas for you to dress if you find yourself don't have any ideas to dress when rain comes.

Tips & Tricks for Rainy Seasons

Colorize Modern women should not be worried to wear colorful clothes, especially in the rainy season, because nasty weather can make you feel gloomy easily. Therefore, wake up yourself by wearing beautifully colorful clothes and it will make your day livelier. 

A pretty umbrella There are many pretty and cheap umbrellas in markets, so leave your black with steel handle umbrellas at home and get a few new cute umbrellas but don't forget to buy only lively and colorful umbrellas which suit to you.

CUTE umbrellas for kids but CHIC umbrellas for elders Besides umbrella is small and cute, it's perfect to use just only one like you. So that, don't be shy when you carry it and walk through the rain alone.

Don't buy pricey if you are a forgetful person No need to buy an expensive umbrella if you usually forget or leave your umbrella anywhere. It's better to buy an cheaper one and buy it again next year if you find yourself like something new or always be forgetful. 

Raincoat it sounds unpopular nowadays but it will help you lots to protect you and your loved clothes from wetness, drizzle or humidity. If you want to buy a raincoat, please buy it a nice quality one but cheap and weak because it will belong to you longer.

Pay more careful attention whatever you are wearing in the rainy season, pay more careful attention to them by preventing and keeping them in your bag if they are precious for you. 

Rain Boots it's not accustomed and well-known in thailand, is it? Don't worried, Rain boots will help you lots as well. There are many styles of rain boots to buy currently, not just boots for farmers and gardeners. Come on, you can see new style of rain boots and you will find them cute on you.



If the day is not too much rain and has a bit sunshine, why don't you take a walk in the park with your friends? Choose a softly t-shirt and a denim shorts. You might also wear scarf and a nice jacket if you like. Don't forget to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses and keep yourself dry by carrying an umbrella.


Do you have any plans to have brunch or dinner with friends? Unfortunately, it could be rain that day. Then you pick the chic raincoat from your wardrobe, wear it over your beautiful dress and don't forget to bring a pretty umbrella to protect your beautiful hair and your friends will see your umbrella. Make them praise at your clothes and the umbrella.


When you have to wear more gentle and formal, do you think of black and gold? Personally, I like this tone very much and I think women will look elegant when they are wearing classic colors like that. If you find your clothes and accessaries are too simple, why don't you look for a funny color umbrella such as a leopard umbrella and bring it out when the rain is falling outside. 


This idea is very perfect when it rains all day long. The jacket is also really perfect for the rainy day and it protects you from the rain. Match the jacket with simple color boots; I suggest to choose the black one; and a cute umbrella when you have to go outside on the rainy day.

Let me know if you the ideas!
Thank you.. :))

Saturday 18 August 2012

D.I.Y # 3 decorate your stationary desk

Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog!

I’m thinking about some interesting and inspiring D.I.Y project today and I found website about home decorates and it was very interesting.

This D.I.Y was done for propose to save a space around your stationary table and to make your wall look amazing.
First, let’s look at the table.
You can use any table you like or maybe you can transform your old dressing table to this awesome table. In the picture the legs of table were cut out to have only a tidy console. If you prefer a console, make sure that the technician or the carpenter makes it strong. The technique is using the L-shaped brackets to secure the desk to the wall. 

On the desk, you can see the D.I.Y. pencils boxes. I think it’s very cool by using an old stuff and I don’t know what was it, but it looks amazing together. To do these pencils boxes you have to find something hard and strong to be a center of the 4 pencils boxes. I suggest you to use a wooden block. You can paint your wooden as you like or keep it as original—I think this is sound so vintage. You can use a can to make your pencils boxes or use the old colander to make it look similar as in the picture.

Second, the memo on the wall, I like this the most. It’s very clever to make the memo board from the stuff you might think it’s useless.  If you have the net you don’t use anymore, make it worth. You can make the frame from your old mosquito wire screen or wood from your bloom. Now, cling it together to make a frame with nails. Then cling the net to the frame, you can cling it together by nail the nails at every corner of your frame and tied the net to the nails. Finish!

I think this is easy to do or in another way, you may find the easier way than mine to do it. XD
At the memo frame, you can hang you photos, notes, calendar, keys, letters and others. For all the girls, I believe that you must have many of accessories such as earrings and necklaces. This frame is very useful to hang your earrings and necklaces to prevent them to become messy.

In my opinion, I like this decoration desk it looks old and vintage, but I think the frame at some point it doesn’t fit the room. I think if it’s neater it’ll look more beautiful than before. What do you think?
I also think that the memo frame is very helpful to a person who has a short memory—like me. Just put your notes their before the exam week, every time that you look up you will see it. And I will do this memo frame soon in the nearly future. Hope you like it XOXO